"To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease."  —Andrew T. Still, MD, DO

"As a family physician, my job is listening to people's stories."
—Jon S. Hallberg, MD


Pre-Health Spring 2024 Events in Chronological Order


Accepted Students Panel

Tuesday, May 14th; 6:10 PM - 7:30 PM, Bldg 10, Rm 220

Come hear from Cal Poly students who have been accepted into health programs! Panelists will be representing the following programs: MD, DO, RN, NP, PT, and OT! 


Health Profession Mentoring Conversations with Bailey College Alumni

Friday May 17th; 12:30-1:30 PM, Baker Science Bldg 180, 5th Floor Lobby

Lunch and mentoring session during the Bailey College Student Research Conference. Click here for more information and to view the alumni-mentor professions and bios.

Pre-Health Application Workshops (Virtual)

Personal Statement Workshops (Virtual) 

  • Tuesday, April 16th; 11:00-1:00 PM           Register Here**
  • Wednesday, April 24th, 6:10-8:00 PM        Register Here**

**Asterisked sessions are virtual; you will receive the Zoom link after registering

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Pre-Health Canvas Page

Stay up-to-date with pre-health events and opportunities by joining our canvas page! Email prehealth@calpoly.edu to be added!

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Drop-in With a Peer Advisor

Hours are subject to change each week, so please check the "Contact Us" page regularly!

Pre-Health Peer Advising

Pre-Health Calendar

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Pre-Health Events

Pre-Health Blog Posts

Visit our Pre-Health Blog to stay up to date on pre-health events, opportunities, articles, workshops, and more!

Cal Poly Pre-Health Blog

Pre-Health Reading List

Reading is a great way to learn new perspectives and develop yourself as an applicant.

Pre-Health Reading List

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